Take a look at what’s brewing under the bridge downtown.

It’s a new TTF dubbed the “Lost Garden.” It’s an idea that was proposed by some local mountain bikers and then put into the dirt by those same bikers.

It's a perfect example of what can happen when you get involved.

It's also looking good boys.

We appreciate all of your hard work.

The project is almost finished but work will resume on this section again at 9am Saturday morning.

Please come on out and lend a hand for a few hours if you can.

With a little bit of luck we should be able to finish up the garden this Saturday and who knows maybe even get a video of Marty riding this creation. Here’s the skinny if you can help out for a while Saturday morning.
Trail work starts at 9am and usually lasts till at least 2-3pm. Feel free to come out at any time to lend a hand. The Lost Garden is located on the back side of Belle Isle near the wooden access bridge that leads off the island. Park at the Tredegar St. parking lot underneath the train tracks then walk across the suspension bridge to access Belle Isle. Once on Belle Isle follow the paved path towards the back of the island and you will see the wooden bridge and the crew working.
We will try to have some updated pics of the completed rock garden TTF when it gets finished.
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