Here’s a quick tip for the holidays. Since the weather outside is frightful and you aren’t getting out to ride very much, not to mention that the fire inside is so delightful (and so is the eggnog) why not seize the opportunity to take your steed over to your favorite local bike shop for a little bit of T.L.C. While the salesmen and women may be busy this time of the year the “service side” (Mechanics) of most local bike stores is usually pretty slow so it makes for a great time to treat yourself and your bike to a tune up so that when the weather turns nice your bike will be in top shape. Don’t forget to let them know that you are a Richmond MORE member so that you will receive your discount.
Now we would like to share some pictures with you that were submitted by David Kern. David has done a wonderful job capturing the beauty our beloved James River Trails.

Thank you for sharing these photos with us David. If any other readers have photos that you would like to share please email those to ramorerides (at) gmail (dot) com. We would really like to start a “Photo Wednesday” post. It would serve as a great midweek reminder of how fortunate we are to have multiple trail networks right in our backyards. So again if you have some photos that you would like to share please send us an email and tell us where the photo was taken and who all is in the photo. It doesn’t have to be a photo of the JRPS trails it could be from any trail in the state. And who knows your photo may inspire someone to go out and ride a new trail that they’ve never been on.
Happy Holidays from all of the Richmond MORE crew its extended families.
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